I come from a large family, depending on where you're from I guess. I have one brother and four sisters. Like any siblings, we didn't always get along growing up but we all loved each other and would do anything for one another. We had a lot of neat experiences and opportunities growing up that created a bond and friendship that remains strong to this day. I was born in Louisiana but don't remember it since my parents moved to Utah when I was still a baby. We spent the next 11 years living in Utah where my brother and 4 sisters were born. Then one day, my parents told us we were moving back to Louisiana. For us kids, it was a dream come true. We moved from the city to a 36 acre farm out in the "sticks." We explored the old barns and woods that made up our property; camped, fished, hunted, swung on vines and had the time of our lives. We even helped build our house on the same plot of land where my dad grew up as a kid. It was in Louisiana where we developed an appreciation for hard work and made friends that will last a life time. Well, after 3 1/2 years, my parents decided it was time to move back to Utah. We were disappointed for a while but Utah had always been our home. Since my dad was a school teacher, Summers were spent camping, hiking, and fishing in the High Uinta Mountains, long road trips to New York or Yellowstone, or simply playing basketball in the back yard. That's not to say it was all a vacation. My parents made sure we had plenty of chores to do and service projects lined up almost every weekend. We've all grown up now and almost all gone our separate ways. My sister Sarah is married and her husband is going through Medical school at Dartmoth. They have 2 adorable girls and live on the East Coast. Melissa is teaching 2nd grade and loving it. Lael is going to college and working as a fitness trainer. Josh is going to school and working at a veternarian hospital and can't get enough of it. He is so good with plants and animals. Emily is a senior in high school and is an amazing ballroom dancer. I can't believe how good she is. My parents are about to be "empty nesters" and who knows what they're going to do with a quite house and a little more time on their hands than they're use to. I I love my family with all my heart. My parents have been great teachers and exmples of how to live an honorable, fulfilling life. They've given me the tools, teachings, knowledge and example to be a good husband and father.