We have been blessed to have an open adoption with both Mason and Aiden's birth families. We love our son's birthfamilies, they have truly become an extention of own families. We send letters, text about something funny one of the boys is saying or doing, plan a few visit throughout the year & share in their lives as well (Melissa is now married and we were so grateful to cheer her on during that time!)
Although both Melissa and Darcie lead their own life, they will always be apart of our family. We are also very blessed to know and love Mason's birth father's family. They are a joy to each of our children and to us as well.
To us, Mason or Aiden's life didn't start the day we adopted them, like us they have history that extends way back and we believe they'll both be a better people for knowing and loving the important pieces that made them who they are.
We are so grateful for Mason and Aiden are in our lives. They truly make being parents the greatest thing in the world. We are grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and our sons angel moms who entrusted us to be guardians over such an amazing spirits. Our feeling of love for birth families extends eternally. They are what it is to love a child unconditionally. They are LOVED by many.
We were blessed to be at the hospital when Mason was born, however Mason's birthmom had a last minute C-section so we waited out in the waiting room. Melissa father brought us a video of Mason right after he was born so we could see him! One of the best moments of ourlives. We just wished we could have shared it with Melissa.
Aiden was born in Idaho, so when we got the call that Darcie's water broke (2 1/2 wks early) we took off! We drove literally all night. We got settle into where we were stayed which was near the hospital and aiden's birth-grandma texted and said "he's coming, come quick!" We raced back to the car and the second we made it to the Labor and delivery floor we got a text saying "He's here!" We thought it was so neat how we both 'arrived' at the same time.