Wednesday, February 3, 2010

About Mason

MASON! Where do I begin? He is such a funny little kid. We fell in love with him the first time we felt him kick in his angel’s tummy! He was such a good baby. He had reflux so for the first 10 months we were cleaning up puke, however it was a good trade off for how sweet and gentle he was. He has always smiled and been good natured. He has such a positive social personality. He loves people. He loves to read books and be played with. Since day one, he is happiest when he is being interacted with... except when he's tired. He loves to go to bed by himself in his crib with his music playing.

He loves animals, he gets so excited when he sees one, he thinks they're the greatest things! He loves other kids; he is surrounded by many, many cousins and loves to act like a big kid. He is now where he 'thinks' he can carry on a full conversation. The only thing is you can't understand one bit, however that just makes it funnier. When you start to laugh, he'll tilt his head back and chuckle. It's priceless. He loves to play 'ball' which consists of throwing the ball in any direction and making you chase it and get it back to him. He loves music, he has always had rhythm. Ever since he was small he bounces and sways when he hears music. He is so funny. He loves to be silly. He loves to help in the kitchen or in dad's shop. He does not like to be left out of anything. He loves anything with tomato sauce. He loves to be outside or on mom's lap.

He is also quite the charmer; I can't go in public with out getting comments of how charming he is. He'll literally bat his eye lashes and tilt his head when people fuss over him... especially with the ladies. It's hilarious. You would think I taught him that! ha ha.

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